Account Simulator possible?

I have a real account that has "X" status, and would like to simulate it with a demo account and test out some new ideas - in its existing status.
What I mean is, if the demo can be configured to "mimic" a real account, including P/L situation, equity, margin, prices at which orders are/were placed and number of orders. Matching order placement time would be great too, since it could then include swap, but this is not critical, since tickets come from the server, I understand. The ticket numbers need not match, just the account status.
The present demo accounts - NEW demo accounts - work very well..... but I think it would be useful to mimic an existing real account status on demo, so that ideas can be tested in parallel, as it were?
Hope I have made my thoughts clear.
Is this possible?
Thats what strategy tester is for. Back testing is a lot quicker than forward testing, and you can only use past results in both cases anyways, since you cannot test future, only present, wich will be past when you got the data from it.

But start a demo parallel to your live, when you don't have open trades. I did it once, I even got the same results until the first requote. The first brokerserver error totally messed the whole thing up in 2 days, though...