Inquiry About VAT Charges for Freelance Development Services for Non-EU Residents

I am a non-European resident looking to post an order for development services on a freelance platform. I understand that VAT (Value Added Tax) may apply to such transactions. Could you please inform me about the applicable VAT rate for topping up my budget on your platform? Specifically, I am curious if a 0% VAT rate applies to non-EU residents like myself.

I do not know about VAT as I am not from the EU.
But some people (incl admins) reported that VAT is used in case you are trying to buy (to pay) something from European Union's IP address.

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

VPS service cost?

Eleni Anna Branou, 2020.11.03 10:18

The price is advertised without VAT, because only EU customers are subject to it.

And I searched the forum and found that the system identify EU customer by IP.
For example, if you are using any external VPS from European Union IP by trying to buy something from this VPS (brawser) so it may be for VAT.