AI as a tool for freelancers - page 3

Vladislav Boyko #:

It's not 2015, but I still don't believe it.

I would rather believe that a genetically modified human brain (biological) will be artificially created in a laboratory, which will be smarter than ordinary people, than that we will teach a computer to think like a human and be aware of itself.

To realize the task of creating a superbrain, I would begin to try to artificially create living biological organisms that would have real nerve cells, and not virtual ones.

But as such organisms become more complex, the question of the humanity of experiments on living organisms would undoubtedly be raised, despite the fact that these organisms were artificially created.

[Edit] Sounds disgusting. I hope no one is engaged in such experiments.

We can't know that 

If we copy a structure that has consciousness (i.e. it knows it is "here") then we can assume it will be conscious.

This is also the fallacy of "copying" a human . 

If we transfer all the memories and properties of a human into something we can't know if that something is a continuation of the previous consciousness , if it is transferred in non human form we also don't know if it is just a "parrot" (because we don't know the rules of consciousness) . But if we ask "it" it will say "yes i am the same" (whether its a human or non human copy)  because it remembers the experiment and from "its" point of view it does not know it was just instantiated (if it is not the same).

So the only way to know would be for the scientist to do the transfer themselves on their self , but then we cannot believe them for the same reason.