Search for an "Edit" object and replace the new "Description" on chart



Is there any code that Search for an Specific Object Description and replace the new "Description" on chart?

for example, if an expert; create an "edit" object, with randome names; and same "Description"; how can I add an indicator on chart that replace my description on that "edit" object?



You can:

Iterate all objects on chart. Check their description and change it to your desired value:

I did not compile and execute this code:

   int total=ObjectsTotal(ChartID(), 0, OBJ_EDIT);
   for(int i=total-1;i>=0;i--)
      string name = ObjectName(ChartID(), i, 0, OBJ_EDIT);
      if(ObjectGetString(ChartID(), name, OBJPROP_TEXT,0)==prev_value)
         ObjectSetString(ChartID(), name, OBJPROP_TEXT,0, new_value);
Yashar Seyyedin #:

You can:

Iterate all objects on chart. Check their description and change it to your desired value:

I did not compile and execute this code:

it's work fine, but it's do that just once; when I change the timeframe; everything back to normal and didnt change that anymore...
