site performance - page 2

Maybe its local in India
Lorentzos Roussos #:
Maybe its local in India

Could be - none of the other sites have this issue and I am using a 500Mbps fibre link

Maybe I will try it from a cloud server in another region and see

Lorentzos Roussos #:
Maybe its local in India

I think you could be right - even before trying a cloud server, I switched on my VPN via Singapore. Seems better - I will observe over the coming days


Just want to update this thread that the issue which started in India before 9/12/2023 which is the site keeps loading forever until reloading, and sometime message of "Maintenance mode" has not been resolved.

If possible someone please notify to the admin.. as using VPN is not permanent solution. This is happening every 2nd or 3rd time when loading any page of .

Arpit T #:

Just want to update this thread that the issue which started in India before 9/12/2023 which is the site keeps loading forever until reloading, and sometime message of "Maintenance mode" has not been resolved.

If possible someone please notify to the admin.. as using VPN is not permanent solution. This is happening every 2nd or 3rd time when loading any page of .

I take note and will let the administration know. 👍

Thank you for reporting.

Miguel Angel Vico Alba #:

I take note and will let the administration know. 👍

Thank you for reporting.

Yesterday site had a outage for 15 minutes, After that performance issue in India is fixed and site if working fine. 10/10 I want to thank you Miguel for reporting this to admin and its fixed within 4 days. 

Arpit T #Yesterday site had a outage for 15 minutes, After that performance issue in India is fixed and site if working fine. 10/10 I want to thank you Miguel for reporting this to admin and its fixed within 4 days. 

Thank you for confirming that everything is working well. 😉👍