Place/manage pending order when market is closed - page 3

As long the market is Closed you can never place/manage any type of order. You can only use Strategy Tester
Fernando Carreiro #:

Even cTrader's own support have answered the question posed by a user asking about not being able to modify pending orders over the weekend, in which they replied that it was because the broker had imposed the limitation.

So, please, don't be so quick to judge my answers as "excuses"!

Even if this is the case, it is the exception while, in MT4/5, this is the rule.

An archaic piece of software.

pb.lopez #:

Even if this is the case, it is the exception while, in MT4/5, this is the rule.

An archaic piece of software.

I think the difference here is that MT4/5 is a terminal and not a trading software. There is a fundamental difference in the type.

Terminals per definition have very limited own self contained functionality, while feature rich thick clients implement own functions on their behalf.

Think of MT being like your browser, the functionality is limited to what the webpage serves and offers, while a thick client like steam offers local functionality.

You are expecting more than the underlying definition offers.
pb.lopez #:

Even if this is the case, it is the exception while, in MT4/5, this is the rule.

An archaic piece of software.

So I got to wonder, was the entire point of this discussion just so can point out an almost 20 year old piece of software doesn't have modern features you want out of the box; but instead needs a plugin to do it?
pb.lopez #:

Even if this is the case, it is the exception while, in MT4/5, this is the rule.

An archaic piece of software.

Its a free product and does most of what most people here want - if it does not suit you select another product