How to draw a trendline from price A until price B. But only when price B has a broken the low of price A.


This is my draw function:

   void DrawSwingLow(datetime time_to){
      string objName = "Swing Low "+TimeToString(time);
      if(ObjectFind(0,objName) < 0){
         ObjectSetInteger(0,objName,OBJPROP_COLOR, clrGreen);
the OBJ_TREND is anchored from time and candleLowPrice to time_to. time_to is hard coded as you can see when I call the draw function I have to pass the time to which the trendline stops. But I would like the trendline to stop at the candle before the candle that has a lower low than the first candle on which I anchored by trendline. How could I modify my code to do that?

This is my draw function:

the OBJ_TREND is anchored from time and candleLowPrice to time_to. time_to is hard coded as you can see when I call the draw function I have to pass the time to which the trendline stops. But I would like the trendline to stop at the candle before the candle that has a lower low than the first candle on which I anchored by trendline. How could I modify my code to do that?

Your question seems interesting but to receive help on this forum you should post full source code.

Arpit T #:

Your question seems interesting but to receive help on this forum you should post full source code.

Post full source code so we can help
Amos Tsopotsa #:
Post full source code so we can help
// -- Enum for the Swing Point Type -- //

// -- Swing Points Class -- //
class CSwingPoints {
   datetime time;
   // Individual candle high price variable -- //
   double candleHighPrice;

   // Individual candle low price variable -- //
   double candleLowPrice;

   // -- Function to draw Swing Low on the chart -- //
   void DrawSwingLow(datetime time_to){
      string objName = "Swing Low "+TimeToString(time);
      if(ObjectFind(0,objName) < 0){
         ObjectSetInteger(0,objName,OBJPROP_COLOR, clrGreen);
   // -- Function to draw Swing High on the chart -- //
   void DrawSwingHigh(datetime time_to){
      string objName = "Swing High "+TimeToString(time);
      if(ObjectFind(0,objName) < 0){
         ObjectSetInteger(0,objName,OBJPROP_COLOR, clrRed);

void OnDeinit(const int reason){
   ObjectsDeleteAll(0,"Swing Low");
   ObjectsDeleteAll(0,"Swing High");

int OnInit(){

int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const datetime &time[],
                const double &open[],
                const double &high[],
                const double &low[],
                const double &close[],
                const long &tick_volume[],
                const long &volume[],
                const int &spread[]){
   int bars_for_loop = rates_total - prev_calculated;
   if(bars_for_loop > rates_total - 2) bars_for_loop = rates_total - 3;
   // Loop through the candles to plot swing highs
   for(int i = bars_for_loop; i >= 1; i--){
      // -- Candles are calculated from the right to the left -- //
      double candleOneHigh = high[i];
      double candleTwoHigh = high[i + 1];
      double candleThreeHigh = high[i + 2];
      bool isSwingHigh =  candleOneHigh < candleTwoHigh && candleTwoHigh > candleThreeHigh;
         CSwingPoints swingHigh;
         swingHigh.type = SWING_HIGH;
         swingHigh.time = time[i + 1];
         swingHigh.candleHighPrice = candleTwoHigh;
         swingHigh.DrawSwingHigh(time[i] + PeriodSeconds(PERIOD_CURRENT) * 5); 
   // Loop through the candles to plot swing lows
   for(int i = bars_for_loop; i >= 1; i--){
      // -- Candles calculated from the right to the left -- //
      double candleOneLow = low[i];
      double candleTwoLow = low[i + 1];
      double candleThreeLow = low[i + 2];
      bool isSwingLow = candleOneLow > candleTwoLow && candleTwoLow < candleThreeLow;
         CSwingPoints swingLow;
         swingLow.type = SWING_LOW;
         swingLow.time = time[i + 1];
         swingLow.candleLowPrice = candleTwoLow;
         swingLow.DrawSwingLow(time[i] + PeriodSeconds(PERIOD_CURRENT) * 5);
Arpit T #:

Your question seems interesting but to receive help on this forum you should post full source code.

// -- Enum for the Swing Point Type -- //

// -- Swing Points Class -- //
class CSwingPoints {
   datetime time;
   // Individual candle high price variable -- //
   double candleHighPrice;

   // Individual candle low price variable -- //
   double candleLowPrice;

   // -- Function to draw Swing Low on the chart -- //
   void DrawSwingLow(datetime time_to){
      string objName = "Swing Low "+TimeToString(time);
      if(ObjectFind(0,objName) < 0){
         ObjectSetInteger(0,objName,OBJPROP_COLOR, clrGreen);
   // -- Function to draw Swing High on the chart -- //
   void DrawSwingHigh(datetime time_to){
      string objName = "Swing High "+TimeToString(time);
      if(ObjectFind(0,objName) < 0){
         ObjectSetInteger(0,objName,OBJPROP_COLOR, clrRed);

void OnDeinit(const int reason){
   ObjectsDeleteAll(0,"Swing Low");
   ObjectsDeleteAll(0,"Swing High");

int OnInit(){

int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const datetime &time[],
                const double &open[],
                const double &high[],
                const double &low[],
                const double &close[],
                const long &tick_volume[],
                const long &volume[],
                const int &spread[]){
   int bars_for_loop = rates_total - prev_calculated;
   if(bars_for_loop > rates_total - 2) bars_for_loop = rates_total - 3;
   // Loop through the candles to plot swing highs
   for(int i = bars_for_loop; i >= 1; i--){
      // -- Candles are calculated from the right to the left -- //
      double candleOneHigh = high[i];
      double candleTwoHigh = high[i + 1];
      double candleThreeHigh = high[i + 2];
      bool isSwingHigh =  candleOneHigh < candleTwoHigh && candleTwoHigh > candleThreeHigh;
         CSwingPoints swingHigh;
         swingHigh.type = SWING_HIGH;
         swingHigh.time = time[i + 1];
         swingHigh.candleHighPrice = candleTwoHigh;
         swingHigh.DrawSwingHigh(time[i] + PeriodSeconds(PERIOD_CURRENT) * 5); 
   // Loop through the candles to plot swing lows
   for(int i = bars_for_loop; i >= 1; i--){
      // -- Candles calculated from the right to the left -- //
      double candleOneLow = low[i];
      double candleTwoLow = low[i + 1];
      double candleThreeLow = low[i + 2];
      bool isSwingLow = candleOneLow > candleTwoLow && candleTwoLow < candleThreeLow;
         CSwingPoints swingLow;
         swingLow.type = SWING_LOW;
         swingLow.time = time[i + 1];
         swingLow.candleLowPrice = candleTwoLow;
         swingLow.DrawSwingLow(time[i] + PeriodSeconds(PERIOD_CURRENT) * 5);