Connections with server

Is there any way to find out during what times, connection with the broker's server were lost?

I would like to find out a way to record that along with the proof that my internet connection was working that time. I am tired of disconnects by the broker and would like to use that as proof.

Can you help metaquotes?

Is there any way to find out during what times, connection with the broker's server were lost?

I would like to find out a way to record that along with the proof that my internet connection was working that time. I am tired of disconnects by the broker and would like to use that as proof.

Can you help metaquotes?


Just to 2nd that motion. For last few days, havng problems with no connection and invalid account in account status box on IBFX Live and demo accounts and not as bad, but also FXDD Demo. IBFX support online's suggestion is to reload platform. It works, but on demo acccounts you lose forward test data. fustrating.

Could of swore I answered this already. Did my post get deleted by the moderators here?

Anywyas take a look at this link. It has what you need.

Open the .txt file first (and read near the bottom). How this script works is explained there.

We've migrated to another server. Sorry for lost messages
Thanks JPS. I think I will have to monitor the connections and shove it up IBFX's you know what to show them how (un)stable their connections are.