Structure type variable OR Object ? - page 2

R4tna C #:
No - you can pass arrays, structures and objects to functions

Thank you @ R4tna C, that's what I understood. 

I'll take the time to read this quietly during the week.

R4tna C #:
I rarely use object pointers 

That was the question about pointers, If someone could give me a concrete example of a use, For example, a concrete case where you have to use a pointer and can't do otherwise ?

Your answer goes a bit in my direction, I have the impression that you have a good level in programming, and you yourself say that you rarely use them,

I think that one day I'll come across a case where I'll have to use these pointers for objects, but right now with my level I can't see where to use them or concretely how or why to use them, and that's what would have interested me to know so that I could leave this little explanation to my subconscious 😅.

R4tna C #:
if you master these basics you will find you can do mostly everything you need.

I don't think this will be a problem for mastering, I like a Chinese proverb that says : "Living until death and learning until death", But at the same time I also like a French proverb that says : "The best is the enemy of good", In other words, why make things complicated when you can make them simple?

The same goes for you Fernando Carreiro , if you have any good Portuguese proverbs I'd love to hear them, because my wife is Portuguese and the few times I've been to Portugal I know a lot more than she does 🤣. 

R4tna C
R4tna C
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ZeroCafeine #:
Your answer goes a bit in my direction, I have the impression that you have a good level in programming, and you yourself say that you rarely use them,

I have a decent level of programming but certainly not like many people here (there are some serious MT guru's here with many more years of experience).

I have used pointers in C++ many decades ago but once Java came along in the mid 90's, I don't remember having to do so again. 

So don't worry about it so much - learn the fundamentals as described in this thread, and just code. The more you write, the more you will learn with each step - if in doubt, test the concept in isolation in a script and use the documentation to find good examples.

And if you finally hit a requirement where only a pointer will do, you will be equipped to tackle it.

Thank you for your answer, I learned to program by myself about ten years ago php, html, css, SQL, Ajax, Unfortunately I learned by myself as an autodidact and my learning was not really structured,

With the MQL5 language, I have a lot of fun with all the possibilities available and I try to do things right, because I'm in front of my computer almost all the time. 

With the MQL5 language and the fact that I've been learning programming for about 5 months now, 
I'm having fun with all the possibilities available and I'm trying to do things right, I'm almost always in front of my computer. 
that is man cave : 

ZeroCafeine #:
Thank you for your answer, I learned to program by myself about ten years ago php, html, css, SQL, Ajax, Unfortunately I learned by myself as an autodidact and my learning was not really structured,

With the MQL5 language, I have a lot of fun with all the possibilities available and I try to do things right, because I'm in front of my computer almost all the time. 

With the MQL5 language and the fact that I've been learning programming for about 5 months now, 
I'm having fun with all the possibilities available and I'm trying to do things right, I'm almost always in front of my computer. 
that is man cave : 

Cool - good luck!