I am new in 2D Arrays in Mql5 .

I need help in mql5 2 dimensional arrays. 

what i want to achieve, kindly give me hint how to solve this task ? 

Double PointsToWait = 500;

Double MyArray [] [];

MyArray [0] [0] =  Here we will save the ticket number of the previous open trade.

MyArray [0] [1] =  Here we will save the Open Price of the previous open trade.

MyArray [0] [2] =  Here we will save the Lot Size of the previous open trade.

MyArray [0] [3] =  Here we will save the Next Trade price by adding/subtracting the points to wait                                           to previous trade open price.

                                Example : Last trade  was opened at 1.5000
                                Next Trade = Open price of previous trade + PipsToWait;

                                Next Trade = 1.5000 + 500;

                                Next Trade = 1.5050;


Skip the 2d method , go straight to classes + structs

so instead of having the 2nd dimension you have a structure , easier to code with .

class myTrade{
string symbol;       
   int last_ticket;
double last_open_price,next_open_price;
double last_lot,next_lot; 
  void reset(){
  void save(int file_handle){
       char text[];
       int characters=StringToCharArray(symbol,text,0,StringLen(symbol),CP_ACP);
  void load(int file_handle){
       char text[];
       int characters_total=(int)FileReadInteger(file_handle,INT_VALUE);

myTrade Trades[];
Lorentzos Roussos #:

Skip the 2d method , go straight to classes + structs

so instead of having the 2nd dimension you have a structure , easier to code with .

No brother i need to do it with 2D arrays

Dokumentation zu MQL5: Operationen mit Arrays
Dokumentation zu MQL5: Operationen mit Arrays
  • www.mql5.com
Operationen mit Arrays - Nachschlagewerk MQL5 - Nachschlagewerk über die Sprache des algothitmischen/automatischen Handels für MetaTrader 5
Sunny DP #:

No brother i need to do it with 2D arrays

Yeah , imagine there is a list of myTrades , that is the first dimension , and , each myTrade has 6 members , so that could be the second dimension but instead of index ([]) you call it with names (.symbol) , (.last_lot) etc and they can be of any type .

Sunny DP #: No brother i need to do it with 2D arrays

Please consider, that the advice given, is more correct than what your own understanding may be.

Your post clearly shows that the information you want to store should be in a structure and not an array, especially given that they are of different data-types.

The ticket number for example, is a ulong integer data-type and should really not be stored in a double data-type.

The previous example by @Lorentzos Roussos may be too complex for you to understand at first glance, so here is a simpler sample ...

In other words, you should be using a 1D array of a structure and not a 2D array.

// Declare the structure
   struct STradeData {
      ulong    nTicket;       // Ticket number of the previous open trade
      double   dbOpenPrice,   // Open Price of the previous open trade
               dbVolume,      // Lot Size of the previous open trade
               dbNextPrice;   // Next Trade price
// Declare the array of the structure
   STradeData oTradeData[];   // Array of trade data
// Usage example
   void myFunction(void) {
      // Set the trade data array size for 3 elements
         ArrayResize( oTradeData, 3 );
      // Assign first element
         oTradeData[0].nTicket     = nTicketPrevious;
         oTradeData[0].dbOpenPrice = 1.5000;                // Previous open price
         oTradeData[0].dbVolume    = 0.10;                  // Previous volume
         oTradeData[0].dbNextPrice = 1.5000 + 500 * _Point// Next trade price = open + 500 points
      // ... etc.

plus its easier to remember this way . 

Very useful if you deploy giant projects to press the "." and have a list of choices remind you what each thing is

i was just now searching for a way to use a multi array with ulong tickets; along with doubles. Thanks to the op, and @Lorentzos Roussos and @Fernando Carreiro
i wanted to code in 2 dimensional arrays but no one helped me in that regard, everyone suggested other ways to code while i need only in 2 dimensional arrays . 

Double MyArray [] [];

MyArray [0] [0] =  Here we will save the ticket number of the previous open trade.

MyArray [0] [1] =  Here we will save the Open Price of the previous open trade.

MyArray [0] [2] =  Here we will save the Lot Size of the previous open trade.

MyArray [0] [3] =  Here we will save the Next Trade price by adding/subtracting the points to wait                                           to previous trade open price.

                                Example : Last trade  was opened at 1.5000
                                Next Trade = Open price of previous trade + PipsToWait;

                                Next Trade = 1.5000 + 500;

                                Next Trade = 1.5050;
MyArray [0] [4] = If the current market price has reached the next trade price then this bool will be true otherwise it will be false all the time . 

then the [1][0] will start and keeps going on like this 

Sunny DP #: i wanted to code in 2 dimensional arrays but no one helped me in that regard, everyone suggested other ways to code while i need only in 2 dimensional arrays . 

If you insist ...

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Filling a 2D Array

sd59, 2013.10.27 22:58

I am trying to generate a 2D array of high, low, open, close prices and I am totally lost as to how to fill the array.

double   PriceArray[1000][4];

int init()
   for(int i=1;i<1000;i++)
   PriceArray[i][0] = iHigh(NULL,240,i);
   PriceArray[i][1] = iLow(NULL,240,i);
   PriceArray[i][2] = iOpen(NULL,240,i);
   PriceArray[i][3] = iClose(NULL,240,i);


This doesn't look a great way to fill the array. Also for some reason the last print value is zero (i.e the iClose value for the first candle is zero - the first 3 values are correct.).

Is there a better way to do this?


Also, this is from the MQL4 book, but the main concepts also applies to MQL5 ... Arrays - Variables - MQL4 Tutorial