Feature Request: Be able to refresh/repost a topic after a week so it doesn't get lost in pages of unanswered questions


This post is just me shamelessly reposting some topics and hopefully not getting it taken down.

My last 4 posts haven't gotten any replies, I don't know that they will get any more because they are a couple pages into the topic posts. They might just be dumb or bad questions but I still would like an answer, and I don't know that its going to happen on page 4. I tried deleting a post and reposting one. The repost was deleted by the mod (I guess I missed the rule where you cant do that) and my deleted post can still be viewed for whatever reason. So yea I am requesting a refresh post feature. Here are my last 4 posts in case someone could help me with them:

https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/457425 (deleted but still up I guess)




Can anyone see if they can reproduce a bug on their computer? It wont take long.
Can anyone see if they can reproduce a bug on their computer? It wont take long.
  • 2023.11.14
  • www.mql5.com
I have been experiencing a lot of bugs in the forward tester...
tanner gilliland: I tried deleting a post and reposting one. The repost was deleted by the mod (I guess I missed the rule where you cant do that) and my deleted post can still be viewed for whatever reason.
  1. All 4 topics are related and about the same issue. You should have continued on the fist one and not created other related topics.
  2. Only your most recent exact duplicate topic was removed, not the original, and the "reason" message contained a link to your original.
  3. If no one has answered so far, then it is may be because either no one else has had the same issue, or they are not inclined to test it out for you.
  4. This is a public user forum and no one is obliged to answer your posts or carry out tests for you. We are all normal users here, even us moderators.
  5. You are welcome to reach out to the Service Desk if you want an answer from the admin/developers, but they usually only focus on financial issues.

PS! You can easily refresh a topic by posting some new additional information to complement it, so as to make it easier or more meaningful to answer. There is no need to add a "new feature".


I have confirmed the issue described in all four related topics and placed a post on the main topic of the 4040 release.

Fernando Carreiro #:

I have confirmed the issue described in all four related topics and placed a post on the main topic of the 4040 release.

Thank you so much! I have been having these issues for years and I haven't been able to get anywhere with trying to find or fix the problem. It is also nice to see that it isn't just my code or my computer that is the issue.  Thank you for taking the time to test it out. I had tried the service desk but as you said and what they said was they only focus on financial issues. Thank you for the tip about refreshing it with some new info and sorry for posting so many topics, I'll add a comment next time instead of posting.