Keep getting error on mt 5 please help


Itsa very simple error but im still new to mt5. Please help me figure it out.

error-2023.2023.11.15 22:10:34.505 squidmouse-4 (XAUUSD,M1) Spread is too high: 21.0


That is not a MetaTrader error. That is a log message from the EA you are using.

You probably set the maximum spread parameter too low, or it is doing its job by filtering trades with high spread.

Either way, please ask the author of the EA for support. The forum can only be used for general purpose discussions about products.

Fernando Carreiro #:

That is not a MetaTrader error. That is a log message from the EA you are using.

You probably set the maximum spread parameter too low, or it is doing its job by filtering trades with high spread.

Either way, please ask the author of the EA for support. The forum can only be used for general purpose discussions about pro

Thank you.