Starting MT5 and enabling MT5 agents on a distant Linux server, only with command line (no GUI)



I installed MT5 on a distant Ubuntu server using this , I don't have any GUI access, only SSH

Is it possible to start MT5 on the server without any GUI and to also start Metatrader Agents by default ? I would like to use these agents from my local installation of MT5...

I could not find any info related to this

Thanks a lot

MetaTrader 5 sur Linux
MetaTrader 5 sur Linux
Dans cet article, nous montrons un moyen simple d'installer MetaTrader 5 sur les versions Linux populaires - Ubuntu et Debian. Ces systèmes sont largement utilisés sur les serveurs ainsi que sur les ordinateurs personnels des traders.

The MT5 Tester Agent is a Windows application that usually runs as a Windows Service.

In other words, it will need to run under Wine or some other equivalent emulator or virtual environment on Linux.