Free product activations


Let's say you get a market product for free, and later on its price changes to some amount (so now it has a limited amount of activations).

For the users that got the product for free, what would happen? Would they get X activations when the price is set (having to purchase again if they run out) or do they have that product for free forever, even though now it's not?

Do downloads during “free” phase of a market product have to be (re)purchased during a “paid” phase?
Do downloads during “free” phase of a market product have to be (re)purchased during a “paid” phase?
  • 2022.01.30
If a free market product later becomes a paid one, do the users who gained it during the “free” phase have to purchase it later, or do they benefit...

Thanks. However, when the price is set, do you get the amount of activations that are set at first? Or does the author decide in some other way?

The thing is I have one of those, and it says I have 4/5 but it has 20 now (I don't know if you get the minimum by default, or if it had 5 and then was changed later to 20)

Manuel Alejandro Cercos Perez #: Thanks. However, when the price is set, do you get the amount of activations that are set at first? Or does the author decide in some other way?

The thing is I have one of those, and it says I have 4/5 but it has 20 now (I don't know if you get the minimum by default, or if it had 5 and then was changed later to 20)

As far as I know, the number of activations is based on what was initially defined by the seller when you update it the first time, after it had become a paid product.

In other words, when the seller first sets it to a "paid" version, the seller sets the number of activations to a number between 5 and 20.

However, when a seller later changes the number of activations, from 5 to 20 for example, then 20 will only apply to new sales. Older customers will continue to have only 5 activations.

At least, this is how I have come to understand the Market functionality.


This is what stands in the Market rules ...

IV. Products

18. The Buyer purchases the right to activate a Product as many times as specified by the Seller at the moment of purchasing or renting this Product. For example, if a Product allows 10 activations at the moment of its purchase, the Buyers can install it on 10 different hardware + OS configurations even if the Seller will decrease this number afterwards.

Rules of Using the Market Service
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