Kill MT4 ? - page 3

narco #:

The bigger question is can they actually do it? If they announce an 'End of Life' tomorrow can they force brokers to stop using it?

Secondly .. Why? Nobody uses MT5 and nobody wants it. What would the benefit be to kill MT4 in favor of almost identical dinosaur product with 95% less 3rd party Indicators / EA's and Scripts.

At this stage is would make sense to keep both until there's a significant reason to upgrade. Maybe one day MT6.

you can approach it from a slightly different angle .

you know they will kill mt4 eventually , that will result in demand for mt5 coding .

so you could keep learning mt5 in anticipation of that.

i.e. in the words of Tai Lopez , naledge 

Lorentzos Roussos #:

you know they will kill mt4 eventually

What nobody is mentioning is that you can't buy a new MT4 license any more. In one sense, it was "killed" long ago.

In news which is of course completely unrelated, the entry-level price for MT5 recently went up by 50%.

Lorentzos Roussos #:

so you could keep learning mt5 in anticipation of that.

MT4 = 18 year old platform | MT5 = 14 year old platform 

Metaquotes have had over a decade to wind down MT4 and get everyone migrated. The issue is they have simply left it far too long with no clear plan of action. Telling users in 2016 they will not provide any more updates and yet here with are 7 years later after many updates.

They are still selling MT4 products, have just updated the MT4 mobile app and it seems MT4 build 1391 (5 October 2023) has just been released but not forced out.

One would expect by now that BOTH terminals should be at end of life, with a clear plan to overhaul this ancient user interface.