Kill MT4 ? - page 2

narco #:

Do we have a list of features in MT5 that are noticeable improvements on MT4 before calling it a horse cart? I mean frontend Improvements that entice a standard user to switch from MT4?

I had a play around with MT5 all week and it feels the same as MT4, like it was developed in the Windows XP days with the same old issues.

-Alerting is still the same with no capability to set defaults or combined alert types. 

-High resolutions issues are still present, difficulty selecting objects and text scaling. 

-There are only 2 useful levels of zoom. 

-Still cannot keep chart margins fixed in positions when changing symbol or timeframe. 

-You still can't extend a rectangle without 3rd party development. 

Most people use MT4 for EA's indicators and Scripts and Tradingview for charting. MT5 needs a massive user interface overhaul to get people interested in it.

First there is the official comparison ... Comparison of the MetaTrader 5 and MetaTrader 4 platforms

Then there is an old image which has floated on the forum for quite some time (but I don't know its original source) ...

Fernando Carreiro #:

First there is the official comparison ... Comparison of the MetaTrader 5 and MetaTrader 4 platforms

Then there is an old image which has floated on the forum for quite some time (but I don't know its original source) ...

Thanks, appreciate the info. It does feel like a bit like comparing the iPhone 3 to the iPhone 3G.

Another issue (from MT4) I've noticed in MT5 is you can't display chart Objects / Studies on a specific symbol. For example if you draw a line or rectangle on DAX and switch the chart to NASDAQ, that same DAX line/rectangle is now visible on the NASDAQ chart. 

Is Metaquotes till developing the MT5 user interface on the platform or just bugs? I see there's definitely a lot of potential to improve MT5 to help drive adoption.

@narco #: Another issue (from MT4) I've noticed in MT5 is you can't display chart Objects / Studies on a specific symbol. For example if you draw a line or rectangle on DAX and switch the chart to NASDAQ, that same DAX line/rectangle is now visible on the NASDAQ chart. Is Metaquotes till developing the MT5 user interface on the platform or just bugs? I see there's definitely a lot of potential to improve MT5 to help drive adoption.

You are misinformed. This is what you get if you don't take the time to properly study how MT5 works.

Compared to MT4, MT5 now has two methods of affixing graphical objects to a chart.

  1. The old MT4 methods that affixes it to the opening time of the bar
  2. The new method of precise positioning that is within the bar's time-span.

Method two is the default method for MT5, but you can disable it.

Platform Settings
  • Precise time scale — if this option is disabled, objects are bound to bars along the horizontal scale of a chart. If you enable it, then it is possible to position an object at any point between bars.

Metaquotes might transform into a SaaS model or Broker as a Service model.

I wouldn't be surprised if metaquotes joins the liquidity game or trade clearing to earn extra fees from every trade on their platform.

MT5 is a step towards that.
Humphrey Kebaya Mwamba #:
Metaquotes might transform into a SaaS model or Broker as a Service model.

I wouldn't be surprised if metaquotes joins the liquidity game or trade clearing to earn extra fees from every trade on their platform.

MT5 is a step towards that.
How do you reason such a statement?

I am curious.
Humphrey Kebaya Mwamba #:
Metaquotes might transform into a SaaS model or Broker as a Service model.

I wouldn't be surprised if metaquotes joins the liquidity game or trade clearing to earn extra fees from every trade on their platform.

MT5 is a step towards that.
They just can't do that.
For me is just keep it as now, simply because the indicator I bought in MQL Market which I'm currently used in my personal EA didn't available for MT5 version...Author also didn't want to release the MT5 version of the indicator too.

It would be a good time period for mq to bravely shut mt4 down now , a period where the closest alternative to mt4 is mt5 . Down the line there may be more "what about this platform"s . 

You applied the wax now you have to pull the tape 

Lorentzos Roussos #:

It would be a good time period for mq to bravely shut mt4 down now , a period where the closest alternative to mt4 is mt5 . Down the line there may be more "what about this platform"s . 

You applied the wax now you have to pull the tape 

The bigger question is can they actually do it? If they announce an 'End of Life' tomorrow can they force brokers to stop using it?

Secondly .. Why? Nobody uses MT5 and nobody wants it. What would the benefit be to kill MT4 in favor of almost identical dinosaur product with 95% less 3rd party Indicators / EA's and Scripts.

At this stage is would make sense to keep both until there's a significant reason to upgrade. Maybe one day MT6.

narco #:

The bigger question is can they actually do it? If they announce an 'End of Life' tomorrow can they force brokers to stop using it?

No they can't. But without any support it would become harder for them.

Secondly .. Why? Nobody uses MT5 and nobody wants it. What would the benefit be to kill MT4 in favor of almost identical dinosaur product with 95% less 3rd party Indicators / EA's and Scripts.

At this stage is would make sense to keep both until there's a significant reason to upgrade. Maybe one day MT6.

Always the same wrong arguments. Are you thinking that repeating them again and again will make them true ?

A lot of people are using MT5. A lot of people still using MT4 can't use MT5 because their broker don't want to provide MT5 (of course they are interested in profit only, why would them invest in new technologies). Sure there are also a strong minority which are reluctant to any change, it always exists.

Your 95% 3rd party is so ridiculous, it's not worth to argue about it. Everyone can just check the number of products on the Market. MT5 has 222 pages, MT4 403 pages. And it says nothing about the quality.

Killing MT4 is a need for the quality of the products available. In the first place EAs, then indicators and utilities. It's a pain in the xxx to maintain code for both platforms. I am coding for both for the last 10 years, and I know very well what I am talking about. We are forced to either use duplicated versions, or to not use all a series of features of MT5/mql5 as they are not available in MT4/mql4.

Anyway...I can understand you want to keep MT4, it's just human. But your arguments are so specious.