Account History NEVER Works Right, Why?

Custom period, from date, and to date never work correctly. Either other dates will show, or only part of the date.
Is there a fix for this? Makes it real hard to check against my broker's sheets.

Help me please.
Thank you
Custom period, from date, and to date never work correctly. Either other dates will show, or only part of the date.
Is there a fix for this? Makes it real hard to check against my broker's sheets.

Help me please.
Thank you

Do you have tried tu put the server's date and time instead of your local time ?
How would I do that? There are only options for changing the date, not the time
How would I do that? There are only options for changing the date, not the time

What I want say is that the history is based on server time; if you want see history from date to date, you must be award that the server's date change may not match your local date change, and then it become a little tricky to follow what's happened... But looking carefully you can retrieve your orders.
Hope this help you...