Dubai Forex Expo Septembre 26 & 27 - page 2

ZeroCafeine #:

hi @ Fernando Carreiro Hi @All

I'm a bit confused, can we talk about the forex show here or not on the forum because I seem to have opened a new post identical to this one with the show from October 7 to 8,

And unless I'm mistaken I've had my account blocked and I've been banned for 10 years, Now my post has been deleted and I've been unblocked, Could someone explain to me what's wrong please?

Best Regards,

It was an auto ban, for unknown reason by the bot monitoring the forum.

A moderator unban you manually.

Your post remained deleted as it's off-topic for this forum which is about trading and coding, not about taking a beer with your friends.

I am just answering your post, I was not involved in any way in the above process.