Chart is black with just the green writing?

Chart is black with just the green writing?

If you want a useful answer, please put in the effort of providing sufficient detail. We cannot read your mind.

A screenshot would also help, since we cannot see your computer either.

Fernando Carreiro #:

If you want a useful answer, please put in the effort of providing sufficient detail. We cannot read your mind.

A screenshot would also help, since we cannot see your computer either.

I'm not the most tech savvy so am learning on the fly, please see attached

Andrew Martin #: I'm not the most tech savvy so am learning on the fly, please see attached

It seems you are not connected to the trader server ( connection icon in the bottom right ) ...

Verify the Journal log for more details about the connection error. The following link gives instructions ... How to report technical issues?

Show the full journal log if possible.