How to arbitration job when i done my work but customer not confirm hangout and payment?



I have a personal job that i have to provide code of my indicator. I have done (provided code and support custormer to compile code also). Now job state is waiting customer confirm hangout and payment but my customer just silence even through i chat with him. So how to arbitration job when i done my work but customer not confirm hangout and payment? Or how i get my salary if this job? 

Thankyou so much!

PS: i click on arbitration already. Now what i need to do???

Minh Truong Pham: I have a personal job that i have to provide code of my indicator. I have done (provided code and support custormer to compile code also). Now job state is waiting customer confirm hangout and payment but my customer just silence even through i chat with him. So how to arbitration job when i done my work but customer not confirm hangout and payment? Or how i get my salary if this job? 

Thankyou so much! PS: i click on arbitration already. Now what i need to do???

Once you select Arbitration, you then need to click one of the options to indicate to the Freelance moderator your preference.

I think that if you hover each option it gives you a short description.

In your case, I think you would choose "Complete Job" to indicate that you have completed the job and want full payment, but hover your mouse over it to make sure that is the case.


The Complete Job is an offer made to the counterpart not the moderator , a message will pop up on the project for the project owner to agree or disagree (accept or not)

In this case the owner will probably not see it . Send it however and also do this in the service desk : 

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My customer disappeared

Lorentzos Roussos, 2023.07.11 17:28

If 7 days have passed since your arbitration offer do this : 

Fernando Carreiro #:

Once you select Arbitration, you then need to click one of the options to indicate to the Freelance moderator your preference.

I think that if you hover each option it gives you a short description.

In your case, I think you would choose "Complete Job" to indicate that you have completed the job and want full payment, but hover your mouse over it to make sure that is the case.

Thank you! I will do it!

Lorentzos Roussos #:

The Complete Job is an offer made to the counterpart not the moderator , a message will pop up on the project for the project owner to agree or disagree (accept or not)

In this case the owner will probably not see it . Send it however and also do this in the service desk : 

Thank  Lorentzos Roussos,

I will complete job, and wait 7 day, if customer not responce, i will ask service desk