Some possible requests for future upgrades of MT4

I am VERY happy with this MOST EXCELLENT piece of software, that can do wonders in the trading markets.
I have a couple of possible suggestions:
1. The investor password, which is meant to be a "read only" version for ppl to "view" the account. Great. Now, if the owner/ trader of the account can set which fields he wants to show the "viewer", that would be an excellent addition, so that the "viewer" can be shown the date of the trades, but not the time, and say if the trader wants, he can show stop loss set ups, or not.... or say show profits ONLY in pips, rather than in the different options available presently, like. Hope I have put my idea across clearly.
2. One point I have observed is that the volumes define the color of the trade-lines...... if the volume is green, the trade lines will be in green, if volumes are yellow, the trades too are yellow.... so there may p o s s i b l y be a chance of confusing or not being able to distinguish the volume line or the trade line the two when the lines are close...... not a major issue, but something I noticed.
3. This idea is similar to the 1st..... basically, the trader/owner defines what will be shown in the "reports" which will be viewed by the "viewer" too......
I hope I havent missed reading something that answers my queries and suggestions. If so, I apologise, and would like a link to those posts
Thanks for this opportunity to post, and a very grateful T H A N K Y O U for the software.
OK, I posted this in the Bugtracking section too, but would like to know if these ideas have been discussed before, because Slawa doesnt seem to be replying - probably to prevent a possible Carpal tunnel problem, and I dont blame him, anyone would get fed up typing the same things over and over again. Could anyone P L E A S E point out the thread(s) out to me, if there are ? I havent found anything remotely connected with "investor password" - in the context I refer to, namely trader/owner account security - in these 17 pages that I have looked through?