MT4 End Of Life - page 2

Marcin Madrzak #:

And unfortunately, in those 14 years, Metaqoutes hasn't been able to implement what seems so obvious - full backwards compatibility with MQL4 and ex4. This would solve so many problems, not only for users and coders, but also for them. Look, if they took the effort they put into keeping 2 platforms co-existing for such a long time and put it into a smooth transition from one platform to the other, MT4 would have been out of the market 10 years ago.

Why can Metaquotes not develop MT5 to contain a built in emulator for ex4's? Obviously users would be aware ex4's would not have complete MT5 functionality, but surely this would have saved all of these years of hassle?

narco #: Why can Metaquotes not develop MT5 to contain a built in emulator for ex4's? Obviously users would be aware ex4's would not have complete MT5 functionality, but surely this would have saved all of these years of hassle?

I would think it is because MT4's trading functionality is fundamentally different to that of MT5.

Besides, there is already a user based MT4 style trade emulation, for MQL5, available in the CodeBase.

This solution is not perfect and lacks some of the finer details, but it can be used to some extent when migrating from MQL4 to MQL5.

Ideally it should be coded in pure MQL5 to take full advantage of MT5's trading functionality, but it is an acceptable intermediary solution.

Fernando Carreiro #:

I would think it is because MT4's trading functionality is fundamentally different to that of MT5.

Besides, there is already a user based MT4 style trade emulation, for MQL5, available in the CodeBase.

This solution is not perfect and lacks some of the finer details, but it can be used to some extent when migrating from MQL4 to MQL5.

Ideally it should be coded in pure MQL5 to take full advantage of MT5's trading functionality, but it is an acceptable intermediary solution.

Thanks, but in terms of " Your post has been removed from topic "MT4 End Of Life" by a moderator. Reason: Don't try to take advantage of the discussion to get some free coding done for you"

I was not asking for free coding to be done. I provided a basic MQ4 file that I know 100% cannot be converted to MQ5 as an example to demonstrate that converting is not straight forward.

narco #I was not asking for free coding to be done. I provided a basic MQ4 file that I know 100% cannot be converted to MQ5 as an example to demonstrate that converting is not straight forward.

It can be "converted", and the reasoning is simple — the MQL4 code you provided uses Win32 API DLL calls to manipulate the Windows GUI components. In other words, there is no MQL4 to convert, because it is standard Win32 API calls.

However, on the MT5 terminal application, the chart window type is different because it can be undocked, so a different set of Win32 DLL calls will be required to achieve the same result.

I personally don't know which set of Win32 calls are required for this, because I have never tried to analyse and reverse engineer which API calls are being used on the MT5 app.

But just because I have not analysed it myself, does not mean it cannot be done. The GUI of any Win32 applications goes through the Win32 API, so it is a matter of analysing it (with the necessary tools) and obtaining the "recipe" for the action. Once the "recipe" is known, then it can be translated in Win32 API calls to reproduce it.

This point however, does nothing to justify NOT migrating to MT5/MQL5, even if it were not possible to toggle the border on MT5.


To demonstrate my point in the previous post, I took the MQL4 file you provided and compiled it as MQL5, with a minor correction (one of the variables types).

I then ran it on a chart and toggled the button. This is what it does ...

As you can see in the GIF animation, it is toggling a "border", but it is a "different" border. A different sequence would be required to toggle the "other" border (the one you want).

I have re-attached your original MQL4 file, to your post #13, for reference in our discussion.
Fernando Carreiro #:

To demonstrate my point in the previous post, I took the MQL4 file you provided and compiled it as MQL5, with a minor correction (one of the variables types).

I then ran it on a chart and toggled the button. This is what it does ...

As you can see in the GIF animation, it is toggling a "border", but it is a "different" border. A different sequence would be required to toggle the "other" border (the one you want).

Thanks, appreciate you looking over it. Perhaps it is possible that this (and other similar tools) can be converted successfully with the right knowledge.

The original developer found a way to make it work on MT5, but it seemed the indicator stopped functioning in 2019 after an update.

This is the type of stuff that can really help users migrate over. People just want their basic tools and they will be happy to switch.

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narco #: This is the type of stuff that can really help users migrate over. People just want their basic tools and they will be happy to switch.

I don't agree, because this Win32 API usage is a "hack". It is not part of MQL4/5 or MT4/5 functionality.

The application was never meant to be "abused" or "hacked" in this way.

It is like say, that you don't want to migrate from Windows 7 to Windows 10, because you have a "hack"/"crack" for Windows 7 that does not work on Windows 10.

Fernando Carreiro #:

I don't agree, because this Win32 API usage is a "hack". It is not part of MQL4/5 or MT4/5 functionality.

The application was never meant to be "abused" or "hacked" in this way.

It is like say, that you don't want to migrate from Windows 7 to Windows 10, because you have a "hack"/"crack" for Windows 7 that does not work on Windows 10.

I don't mean this specific indicator. I am talking about the 100's of thousands of MT4 users who have been happily going about their business with MT4 and their indicator stack.

Metaquotes have done zero to assist those users migrate. They've not even told users to migrate, why or when. All we have a single line saying it is soon to become End of Life with no other details.

Nobody uses MT5 apart from just executing trades since that's what the broker gives them. People use MT4 for indicators and Trading View for charting. This is quite obvious due to the lack of MT5 indicators when compared to MT4.

Metaquotes could have provided far more guidance over the years but buried their heads in the sand and hoped this problem will just go away.


Here's a prime example showing Forex Station's forum, which is generally the place to go for indicators and discussion.

70,645 posts regarding MT4 indicators and 2,477 posts for MT5.