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Check out the new article: Category Theory in MQL5 (Part 20): A detour to Self-Attention and the Transformer.

We digress in our series by pondering at part of the algorithm to chatGPT. Are there any similarities or concepts borrowed from natural transformations? We attempt to answer these and other questions in a fun piece, with our code in a signal class format.

It would be remiss, I think, to carry on with articles in these series while on the subject of category theory & natural transformations, and not touch on the elephant in the room that is chatGPT. By now everyone is acquainted, in some form, with chatGPT and a host of other AI platforms and has witnessed, hopefully appreciated, the potential transformer neural networks have on making not just our research easier, but also taking away much needed time from menial tasks. So I detour in these series and try to address the question whether natural transformations of category theory are in any way key to the Generative Pretrained Transformer algorithms engaged by Open AI.

Besides checking for any synonyms with the ‘transform’ wording, I think it would also be fun to see parts, of the GPT algorithm code in MQL5, and test them on preliminary classification of a security price series.

The transformer, as introduced in the paper, ‘Attention Is All You Need’ was an innovation in neural networks used to perform translations across spoken languages (e.g. Italian to French) that proposed getting rid of recurrence and convolutions. Its suggestion? Self-Attention. It is understood that a lot of AI platforms in use are the brain child of this early effort.

The actual algorithm used by Open AI is certainly under wraps, but none the less it has been understood to use Word-Embedding, Positional Encoding, Self-Attention, and a Feed-Forward network, as part of a stack in a decode-only transformer. None of this is confirmed so you should not take my word for it. And to be clear this reference is on the word/ language translation part of the algorithm. Yes, since most input in chatGPT is text it does form a key almost foundational role in the algorithm but we now know chatGPT does much more than interpret text. For example, if you uploaded an excel file it can not only open it to read its contents but it will plot graphs and even give an opinion on the statistics presented. The point here being the chatGPT algorithm is clearly not being entirely presented here, but only bits of what is understood, it may look like.

Author: Stephen Njuki