Next highest and lowest element in double array ?



Anyone have the code for this? i know it's simple but my mind is somehow blocked. 

let's say i have an array contains few double elements,

I know one of these elements and need to get the closest hi and closest low to this element.

I don't want to use sorting and indexing, 

thank you. 

Mohamed Mostafa Mohamed Sonbol:


Anyone have the code for this? i know it's simple but my mind is somehow blocked. 

let's say i have an array contains few double elements,

I know one of these elements and need to get the closest hi and closest low to this element.

I don't want to use sorting and indexing, 

thank you. 


This is a possible solution for your problem:

//| Return the index of the closest lower element < target in the    |
//| unsorted list.                                                   |
template<typename T>
int FindClosestLow(const T &array[], const T target)
   T min = NULL;
   T highest_min = NULL;
   int minIndex = -1;

   for(int i = 0; i < ArraySize(array); i++)
      if(array[i] < target)
         min = array[i];

         if(minIndex == -1 || min > highest_min)
            highest_min = min;
            minIndex = i;

   return minIndex;

//| Return the index of the closest higher element > target in the   |
//| unsorted list.                                                   |
template<typename T>
int FindClosestHigh(const T &array[], const T target)
   T max = NULL;
   T lowest_max = NULL;
   int maxIndex = -1;

   for(int i = 0; i < ArraySize(array); i++)
      if(array[i] > target)
         max = array[i];

         if(maxIndex == -1 || max < lowest_max)
            lowest_max = max;
            maxIndex = i;

   return maxIndex;

//|                                                                  |
void OnStart()
   int array[] = { 4, 9, 2, 4, 1, 6, 4 };

   Print("--------Find closest element higher > target---------");
   for(int target = -1; target <= 10; target++)
      int index = FindClosestHigh(array, target);

      int element = (index > -1) ? array[index] : INT_MIN;

      PrintFormat("FindClosestHigh(%d) element = %d", target, element);

// sample output:

 --------Find closest element higher > target---------
 4 9 2 4 1 6 4
 FindClosestHigh(-1) element = 1
 FindClosestHigh(0) element = 1
 FindClosestHigh(1) element = 2
 FindClosestHigh(2) element = 4
 FindClosestHigh(3) element = 4
 FindClosestHigh(4) element = 6
 FindClosestHigh(5) element = 6
 FindClosestHigh(6) element = 9
 FindClosestHigh(7) element = 9
 FindClosestHigh(8) element = 9
 FindClosestHigh(9) element = -2147483648
 FindClosestHigh(10) element = -2147483648
amrali #:


This is a possible solution for your problem:

thanks a lot Amr

it came quite longer than I expected :)