Passing series array to dll


I have a buffer which I created by a call to ArrayCopySeries in a custom indicator. It is declared as
double buffer[];

I want to pass it to a dll but in the dll I get a null pointer. The function is declared as:
in the custom indicator:
#import "somedll.dll"
double func(double buffer[]);

in the dll:
func(const double *buffer)

What's wrong?

Solution is to pass whole rates array. See our samples
Solution is to pass whole rates array. See our samples

In the dll I have to pass this buffer to another library which accepts array. Using rates array I can't do that because what I get is an array of a RateInfo structure. So is there a way nonetheless to pass the array?

And what?
BTW access to series arrays is redirected to rates array (ie RateInfo structure array). Please read MetaEditor dictionary.
There is only one solution to pass series.