how delete some record in array ? - page 2

faustf #:

i  tried  also in this mode but  nothing, return 12 :(((((

 i try also in this mode  but  arraCpy not  copy  :(((

If this is part of the settings (does not change after the Init event), then in OnInit() I would simply copy non-empty values into a new array to avoid using complex algorithms. Especially since the array is small.

Vladislav Boyko #:
If this is part of the settings (does not change after the Init event)

If this is a script, then this approach also makes sense, provided that the array is not too large

It remains unclear where you get such an array of symbols from. You after all somewhere declare it and fill. Just simply do not add empty values there when filling😄😄😄
Vladislav Boyko #:

If this is part of the settings (does not change after the Init event), then in OnInit() I would simply copy non-empty values into a new array to avoid using complex algorithms. Especially since the array is small.

is  possible  solution but  i would  create  a function for clean array in this mode  i can reuse next time

faustf #:

is  possible  solution but  i would  create  a function for clean array in this mode  i can reuse next time

I will guess now, since you force me to.

You are using a static array, not a dynamic array. You cannot change the size of a static array.

Check _LastError and see what the error Code is.