Write to File Question

I see you can write to a CSV file, can you write to a Text file ie .txt

Of course. Open as csv and write one value.
Sorry what do yo mean...

I want TEXT file like mydata.txt

With data like this for 100's records

BTW csv-file is text file with separators between items. If You do not need for separators then prepare one string item in accordance with your taste and write only one item.
A CSV file is not a plan flat file, with "txt" on the end of it.

CSV files are not as useful as plan, no frills TXT files.

So can you do it or not ? Text file like mydata.txt
What a load of absolute rubbish.
Try opening a csv file in notepad and see for yourself that it is simply a comma delimited set of data.
Also you might like to do some of your background, like searching this very forum for the answer before you ask a question.
Still you software still should have plain text files.

I can use plain text files in older software, were CSV is a pain.

You should offer the the USER the selection, if its not too much damn trouble.

I shouldnt have to search the board, as this request should have been a part of the orginal specification of your software.

PS : Still can get an email to my pager, can you ?