Weight Average : Please code this for me, you may already have this .

Ts2000i Function "WAverage" Code :

Inputs: Price, , Length;
Variables: Sum(0), Counter(0), CSum(0);

Sum = 0;
CSum = 0;

For counter = 0 To Length - 1 Begin
Sum = Sum + Price[counter] * (Length - counter) ;
CSum = CSum + Length - counter;

If CSum > 0 Then
WAverage = Sum / CSum
WAverage = 0;

1) When you see [1] this means, 1 bar previous.
2) Times series ( ie price) are not placed in arrays in ts2000i langauge code, Price already assumes that it is an array.

There will be more so I hope you dont mind, like your software very much. Still learning.
Linear weighted Move Average is already supplied as a standard indicator