Having a web service the EA must keep exchanging data with in a product.


Let's assume a neural network , trained.

That network sits behind a server , it receives inputs it sends forecasts.

I upload an EA to the market with the instruction to add the url of the server in the allowed urls :

  • a.the ea needs the forecast to place trades
  • b.the ea does not need the forecast to place trades but the forecast is supplemental info
  • c.like b but the supplemental info is advertised in the product overview

I understand b+c is allowed , is a allowed ?


Why do you think any extern resources are allowed? From the rules:

IV. Products#
9. The Product must not:
  • Include links to third-party resources. ...

Carl Schreiber #:

Why do you think any extern resources are allowed? From the rules:

i think this rule is about the overview .

Lorentzos Roussos #:

i think this rule is about the overview .

There are EAs on the market, relying on external sources. But to pass the upload test, you probably need to make them optional.
Dominik Christian Egert #:
There are EAs on the market, relying on external sources. But to pass the upload test, you probably need to make them optional.

But you can't test webrequests anyway 

Lorentzos Roussos:

Let's assume a neural network , trained.

That network sits behind a server , it receives inputs it sends forecasts.

I upload an EA to the market with the instruction to add the url of the server in the allowed urls :

  • a.the ea needs the forecast to place trades
  • b.the ea does not need the forecast to place trades but the forecast is supplemental info
  • c.like b but the supplemental info is advertised in the product overview

I understand b+c is allowed , is a allowed ?

I did a little search and found a product on the top page that requires a to operate .  Meaning , it won't trade if you don't allow the url . 

Now this has gpt in the title which means it was probably checked by the desk . I'll check next week too , it it's still around . Pertinent on the desk checking the entirety of the rules and not being lenient due to sales or due to multiple violations and at least one was "fixed" or smth. 

So , it appears a , b , and c are all allowed . (for the moment , keyword : it appears)

Lorentzos Roussos #:

I did a little search and found a product on the top page that requires a to operate .  Meaning , it won't trade if you don't allow the url . 

Now this has gpt in the title which means it was probably checked by the desk . I'll check next week too , it it's still around . Pertinent on the desk checking the entirety of the rules and not being lenient due to sales or due to multiple violations and at least one was "fixed" or smth. 

So , it appears a , b , and c are all allowed . (for the moment , keyword : it appears)

MetaQuotes Ltd does not undertake an obligation to monitor the Products or their content, but it reserves the right to remove the Product from Market or reclassify the Product at its sole discretion if MetaQuotes Ltd is notified by You or otherwise becomes aware and determines at its sole discretion that a Product or any portion thereof or any of Your Brand Features:

  1. violates the intellectual property rights or any other rights of any third party,
  2. violates any applicable law or is subject to an injunction,
  3. is pornographic, obscene or otherwise violates MetaQuotes Ltd's hosting policies or other terms of service as may be updated by MetaQuotes Ltd from time to time at its sole discretion,
  4. is being distributed by You in violation of the terms and conditions of this Agreement,
  5. may create liability for MetaQuotes Ltd or Authorized Carriers,
  6. is deemed by MetaQuotes Ltd to have a virus or is deemed to be malware, spyware or have an adverse impact on the MetaQuotes Software or software of an Authorized Carrier,
  7. violates the terms of this Agreement or the Developer Program Policies, or
  8. the display of the Product is impacting the integrity of MetaQuotes Ltd or Authorized Carriers' servers (i.e., Users are unable to access such content or otherwise experience difficulty).

I would suggest you to stop guessing what a product do or not, you can't know from the outside unless you buy it (or demo it if possible) and try it.

You not contacting an admin and ask them a very precise question ? (not a general question like "why aren't you checking all products", but rather "Isn't this product a good candidate to be removed because x or y...). If you don't get an answer, you can also try to write me and I will check.

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MQL5 Market Developer Distribution Agreement
Alain Verleyen #:

I would suggest you to stop guessing what a product do or not, you can't know from the outside unless you buy it (or demo it if possible) and try it.

You not contacting an admin and ask them a very precise question ? (not a general question like "why aren't you checking all products", but rather "Isn't this product a good candidate to be removed because x or y...). If you don't get an answer, you can also try to write me and I will check.

Here goes . There is a new "rule" for products not using Ai or GPT in the titles . Why does it relate hold on.

There are 3 products on the first page (36 per page) with GPT in the title and the first one with Ai in the title and descriptions .

If the service desk is checking them manually , because if there was a script it would be applied instantly ,it means it has seen and or inquired about their operations.

Right ? Because they are still active the assumption is they are checked and you'd not start the checks from the bottom of the list . 

3 of them ask users to connect to a web service .

One of them is not . 

So this is the assumption : that the service desk may have seen and checked them (because of the new hype rule) and 2 fall under the b+c category 1 falls under the a category from the list on top.So if they are checked and they have not been deemed to violate anything then a, b + c on the list is fair game.

The 4th product has no signs of any "GPT" activity , hence the assumption not all of them have been checked yet (the 4th product is in fact the prime example of what the hype rule should have decimated).

Now on the "i can't know from the outside" .

With GPT / AI metaquotes cannot know from the outside either . That would imply the "new rule" about "hype" is just about the hype and not what actually goes on in the product because even if it connects to a server they cannot know what goes on there right ?

So if the "rule" is just about hype in general it could have been massively enforced instantly but its not . But mq though maybe , hold on , this is rocket science level stuff maybe we'll drop the requirements of the explanations because we can't know without looking at the source code

If the rule is not about hype then but about the so called "junk" (meaning uses the term but nothing to do with the tech) then their checks can only be 100% if the see the source code (which they cant) . So right now metaquotes and i are doing the exact same thing actually -the thing you are judging- . I'm seeing a connection requirement in the instructions other that a news site and i assume (just like metaquotes assumes) its for gpt becasue there is no way on earth to know without the source code.(or an onnx file requirement ) 

The only difference is i don't know if it actually connects there or its a cover to pass any checks , that is true , i would have to buy them all 😄. 

Unless the new rule was an intent to go after hype and the realization there is no way to know for sure , and it stopped .


Also on the guessing . Why are we guessing  ? 

  • The administration wakes up one day and says , that is junk and hype , go after it .
  • Then threads popup on the forums asking why such and such happened .

Get in the shoes of someone who launched a gpt ea and it got hidden . 

  • Your eas are hidden .
  • You check the rules , you have not violated anything on the posted rules. 
  • You ask on the forum , if you are on the Russian forums someone has the decency to explain and accuses of you of hype and junk.
  • They tell you they don't like it.
  • You go to the market pages and you see eas like yours unhidden , untouched.

That's why we are guessing . Us guessing is the leverage for equal application of the rules.

Us guessing may make someone come down and respond , and if they respond that "they don't allow such and such" then we can follow up with  "Alright heres a list of products with what you just told me is not allowed". 

You will probably only comment on the "ethical motivations of someone who elects to publish a gpt ea that is not a gpt ea".


If you want to be listened, you should start to listen. It's a real constructive advice I am giving you. The complaining mode is useless and waste of time, what is that so hard to understand ?

How many years are you here ? What has changed according to your complaints in these years ?


Alain Verleyen #:

If you want to be listened, you should start to listen. It's a real constructive advice I am giving you. The complaining mode is useless and waste of time, what is that so hard to understand ?

How many years are you here ? What has changed according to your complaints in these years ?


that is a weak mindset.If everyone has that mindset no wonder nothing has changed over the years.

If i see something weird i'll talk about it ,and i have , if i see some opportunity for the ecosystem to grow i'll share it , and i have . 

Anyway , i may undertake the task of checking more products and compile lists with links and violation(s) and send them your way.

Then based on their feedback  we could construct a list (without the links , but with each unique perceived violation and their response . Perceived violation => for instance , the support only on blogs and the product comments section rule . This can be violated by blatantly advertising a telegram channel , or , by having a private group mentioned constantly in the comments so we'd gauge what their reaction is to real examples )

Cheers .