Selling Agents to Cloud



I'm really with some doubts in selling agents to Meta Cloud Tester.

I'm using META5 and I had enabled AGENTS via terminal, indicating my account number and checking the "Sell Computing Resources" box.

So, my questions are:

1) Is my computer really enabled to sell time/processing to cloud? I can see the ports opened, sometimes I see CPU activity and TRAFFIC in these ports, but my earnings are zeroed.

2) I'm not sure if I need to install the standalone CLOUD STRATEGY TESTER module (out of META5) to be able to sell CPU time., or if having it installed through META5 is enough.

3) Although I see AGENT ports connected and running in my META5 (even the terminal in "idle" mode) ...

... I don't see any agent in my online dashboard any time!

4) My computer has 16 COREs and almost all of them "connected" and "running". So, why I just see "1 AGENT" ?

5) In the same STRATEGY TESTER AGENTS MANAGER (under the TOOLS menu) I see my account number sometimes red-colored in background, sometimes not. What is it means? Important to say that in ALL occasions I'm correctly logged and activated into the META system (I see this status in the journal).

I appreciate if someone could answer my questions.


Wait! The results of your calculations will appear the next day!

From the viewpoint of MQ your pc is 1 agent with several kernels. It seems that except tester-22 (which is stopped) all are up and running.

Only the physical kernels of you CPU are used by the cloud - the local Tester can use all real and hyperthread.
How to Participate - MQL5 Cloud Network - MetaTrader 5 Help
By participating in the MQL5 Cloud Network you can earn providing the processing power of your computer. Install testing agents using a manager and...
Carl Schreiber #:

Wait! The results of your calculations will appear the next day!

From the viewpoint of MQ your pc is 1 agent with several kernels. It seems that except tester-22 (which is stopped) als are up and running.

Only the physical kernels of you CPU are used by the cloud - the local Tester can use all real and hyperthread.

Thank you Carl, I'll read the sent documentation asap.

Carl Schreiber #:

Wait! The results of your calculations will appear the next day!

From the viewpoint of MQ your pc is 1 agent with several kernels. It seems that except tester-22 (which is stopped) all are up and running.

Only the physical kernels of you CPU are used by the cloud - the local Tester can use all real and hyperthread.

Carl, as read in the sent documentation, my questions still remains valid:

1- Even having the META TERMINAL (so, I'm a consumer) and having the AGENTS enabled to be sold (so, I'm a provider too), why don't I see any agent in my dashboard?

2- For 2 days I see here TCP traffic on the AGENTS ports when I'm not testing any EA.

3- Why sometimes my account appears with a red background in the AGENT MANAGER?

I appreciate your time and efforts to solve my doubts.

  1. as I said it appears the next day - be patient ...
  2. I guess this traffic is due to the admin, you (like anybody else) is paid per job not for the time available.
  3. You have to login there with your MQ credentials see here (you haven read it obviously):
  4. If you were not login with you MQ credentials you can't be paied, see:
How to Participate - MQL5 Cloud Network - MetaTrader 5 Help
By participating in the MQL5 Cloud Network you can earn providing the processing power of your computer. Install testing agents using a manager and...
Carl Schreiber #:
  1. as I said it appears the next day - be patient ...
  2. I guess this traffic is due to the admin, you (like anybody else) is paid per job not for the time available.
  3. You have to login there with your MQ credentials see here (you haven read it obviously):
  4. If you were not login with you MQ credentials you can't be paied, see:

Thank you very much Carl.

I had used my account number instead my name "AliceRioBR" and for both META did not send any error message.

NOW I SEE the AGENTS to sell.