expression is not boolean o_O


hi  guys  i ahve  this  control in middle of script 

               if (VarOrder1 == 0 ){
               if (VarOrder2 == 0 ){

why return warning  expression  is not boolean ?

faustfwhy return warning  expression  is not boolean ?

Hi faustf,

I've seen that you have several posts where you ask for coding help. My question is do you know how to code?

I ask this because if you don't know how to code, it won't help much to explain what to do and how to solve many of the problems you raise. Basically you wouldn't understand anything just as you don't know how to interpret the problems in front of you.

Let me give you some advice:

  • Please note that we cannot do the "dirty" work for you. Don't abuse our knowledge for us to fix free code from e.g. the CodeBase section (or from any other place). You may get lucky and someone may help you, but understand that you can't use the forum to just fill it with "fix this for me, please" requests. If you are really interested in coding, show your attempts, or if you don't want to learn to code, hire a programmer in the Freelance section where for a modest fee you will get a professional job.
  • Many of the problems are already solved in the forum (some of them for years). Use the search engine to find related threads on the topic you are looking for.

Search engine


hi  guys  i ahve  this  control in middle of script 

why return warning  expression  is not boolean ?

It will work but here is why the warning comes.If the modulo is bigger than one its no longer a boolean . 

You can just alter it to this 

if((ij%2)!=0){//with remainder
}else{//without remainder
Miguel Angel Vico Alba #:
I've seen that you have several posts where you ask for coding help. My question is do you know how to code?

depend  what you intend for do you know how to code? , you'r  question is very generic , you can be more  specific ?

Miguel Angel Vico Alba #:
I ask this because if you don't know how to code, it won't help much to explain what to do and how to solve many of the problems you raise. Basically you wouldn't understand anything just as you don't know how to interpret the problems in front of you.
don't worry if I understand or not, if you can and know and want to give an answer you are always welcome, if I don't know I will ask further
Miguel Angel Vico Alba #:

Let me give you some advice:

  • Please note that we cannot do the "dirty" work for you. Don't abuse our knowledge for us to fix free code from e.g. the CodeBase section (or from any other place). You may get lucky and someone may help you, but understand that you can't use the forum to just fill it with "fix this for me, please" requests. If you are really interested in coding, show your attempts, or if you don't want to learn to code, hire a programmer in the Freelance section where for a modest fee you will get a professional job.
  • Many of the problems are already solved in the forum (some of them for years). Use the search engine to find related threads on the topic you are looking for.

Thanks for the tip, I'll certainly take it into account, the magnifying glass is very small, but I already knew it, I've never asked anyone to solve it for me, can you also tell me where the error is without solving it, perhaps by making an explanation that is more of the 3 lines you find in the manual, if one day I earn millions in trading I'm sure I'll have the programmers do the programs but since I don't get anything out of trading for the moment I'll try to do it with my own strength

Lorentzos Roussos #:

It will work but here is why the warning comes.If the modulo is bigger than one its no longer a boolean . 

You can just alter it to this 

thanks  so much , you fix  if i understund good is like  if it is divisible by two and returns zero