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Check out the new article: Developing a Replay System — Market simulation (Part 02): First experiments (II).

This time, let's try a different approach to achieve the 1 minute goal. However, this task is not as simple as one might think.

If you notice, we now have an outer loop that does this 1ms test. Since it is very difficult to make a correct adjustment within the system so that we would take advantage of using this single millisecond, maybe it is better to take it out of the play.

We've only made one change. You can see the result in the video below.

Author: Daniel Jose


Hi Daniel,

why You using so complicated macro with definition: "(int)((A - (A - ((A % 3600) - (A % 60)))) / 60)" ?

I my opinion "(int)( (A % 3600) / 60)" gives the same result.


Nice work! :)
Rasoul Mojtahedzadeh #:
Nice work! :)

Thanks ... 😁👍


Thank you!