Validation or no validation of community contributions



I am interested in sharing my knowledge with the MQL5 community. Could you please give me a summary of the publication conditions?

I think everything is free, but I am not sure.

I have seen that articles are subject to validation and can be rejected, which is not the case for the blog, for example.

When can I publish in codebase? Marketplace?

What is the forum dedicated to articles and library for? Can we do advertising there?

Thank you,

Have a nice day,



I am interested in sharing my knowledge with the MQL5 community. Could you please give me a summary of the publication conditions?

I think everything is free, but I am not sure.

I have seen that articles are subject to validation and can be rejected, which is not the case for the blog, for example.

When can I publish in codebase? Marketplace?

What is the forum dedicated to articles and library for? Can we do advertising there?

Thank you,

Have a nice day,

"Everything is free":

This is not the case. It depends on the license. There is always an author to something published. They contribute under different terms. You need to check with these specific sources, you wish to use.

You may post on code base as you like. But you may only post source code. Not closed, compiled or binary without providing the required source.

On market place you can publish under the terms and conditions of market place.

Advertising is only allowed on your personal wall, you also may publish blog articles pointing to market place articles.

I think, I covered all... Not sure.
Thanks a lot. If anyone else has additional information they are welcome.


I am interested in sharing my knowledge with the MQL5 community. Could you please give me a summary of the publication conditions?

I think everything is free, but I am not sure.

I have seen that articles are subject to validation and can be rejected, which is not the case for the blog, for example.

When can I publish in codebase? Marketplace?

What is the forum dedicated to articles and library for? Can we do advertising there?

Thank you,

Have a nice day,

Hello has established a very good ranking in google search over the years.

Articles : 

Let's suppose you share an article and attach a video to it (for it , supplemental , overview or whatever they accept ) . The video is on yt .
Mql will share it initially here and you will have an initial wave to your video too and as the "google crawlers" find it they will start ranking it .
That will bring more eyeballs to the article , which in turn brings more views to your video .
Now your video gets views and starts ranking higher on that keyword on youtube as well , so , if you link the article in the description of the video you will be  bringing back traffic to your article , your mql5 shop , other mql5 shops , signals freelance etc . 

In a possible site update your article will also garner more views so in the future it will rank higher here too .

Codebase : 

I haven't used that but i think you can do the loop above in the code base too . Here however you could lead with youtube . So you could deploy your tutorial on video and the source code is here . Same cycle ,dual ranking  , etc you bring traffic to your shop , other shops , signals , freelance ...

Blogs : 

You can use them for experiments but you can also link back to them from videos the traffic outcome will be the same . The blogs receive the lowest "juice" in this sites native search however as they are the least beneficial for . You can also use them to upload files there , freebies or extras for people who purchase your products here.
Mostly they are used for manuals of utilities sold .

Profile Posts :

These are good for grabbing the attention of users who follow you here , IF they happen to click on the "news feed" by accident.
Most browse this page to see what the competition does BUT , these posts are ranked in the sites native search and most "meaningfull" traffic comes from there.

Market : 

you know most things , there are strict guides on what you can and can't do here posted in the forum , you can get some "wind" here by posting free utilities .

Signals : 

i have no idea 

Forum : 

This is the most common advise you will get about "promoting your brand" here . "Help around in the forum and bla bla bla " , it is true , however it won't result in anything meaningfull most of the time if you care about your bottom line . If you are looking for freelance clients it is more helpful to participate here (or if you love coding) but most times if there is the slightest hint that you provided a solution that can be expanded on by the OP hiring you the mods/admins will kill your response .Same with advertisements , the slightest hint gets your post removed.

So what ranks in google search in order of importance : 

  • Market , yes 
  • Articles , yes
  • Signals , unknown , there's an expert mod in signals here she knows more
  • Forum , yes
  • CodeBase , yes
  • Freelance projects , yes
  • Blogs , no
  • Profile posts , no

What ranks in the native search : 


Where can you blatantly advertise ? 

  • Blogs 
  • Profile posts

(by advertise i mean things of yours within this site , and a social media link or video here and there . If you did heavy constant third part posts i think they would not like that)

Thank you for your detailed response. Have a great weekend