Possible to get a virus enabled DLL ?

Hello everyone, a question for those who understand about DLL. Is it possible for a DLL to implant a virus in the computer, through mt4 ? I ask this because I used an indicator that I found on the internet, which asked to allow DLLs, and a few hours later, I was logged out of my Windows account alone and I can't reactivate Windows Defender. It could just be a coincidence but I wanted to clear the doubt. 
Davi Silva:
Hello everyone, a question for those who understand about DLL. Is it possible for a DLL to implant a virus in the computer, through mt4 ? I ask this because I used an indicator that I found on the internet, which asked to allow DLLs, and a few hours later, I was logged out of my Windows account alone and I can't reactivate Windows Defender. It could just be a coincidence but I wanted to clear the doubt. 
Alexandre Borela #:

The question , your avatar and the one word answer combined nicely  🤣

I agree . 

Op change all your creds , log out of all sites , and purge that pc . Better safe than sorry.

Lorentzos Roussos #:

The question , your avatar and the one word answer combined nicely  🤣

I agree . 

Op change all your creds , log out of all sites , and purge that pc . Better safe than sorry.
