MT4 Is it possible to allow webrequests regardless of url

As title suggests is it possible to allow all webrequests without adding them at options menu in MetaTrader 4.
Burak Tunç:
As title suggests is it possible to allow all webrequests without adding them at options menu in MetaTrader 4.
Only by DLLs, not by built-in WebRequest.

Yeah i have an external dll I want to control somethings from discord and i need a discord bot. (Not using webhooks bcs i cannot use Discord's Interraction framework with webhooks)

I have a function that starts the bot and the function inside the dll gets called there is no problem but it does not connect to discord server. (Bot stays offline) When i try to run exact code from another application it works with no problem.

Burak Tunç #:

Yeah i have an external dll I want to control somethings from discord and i need a discord bot. (Not using webhooks bcs i cannot use Discord's Interraction framework with webhooks)

I have a function that starts the bot and the function inside the dll gets called there is no problem but it does not connect to discord server. (Bot stays offline) When i try to run exact code from another application it works with no problem.

i suggest to code some error logging to find out about your issue.