Swap conversion formula - page 2

Lorentzos Roussos #:

unfortunately nurr 

The docs are cryptic on those 2 as well .

Well it just makes me feel better that I am not the only one to not understand these 2 swap mode then. I'll post again here if I ever come across this kind of swap mode.

Thank you gain for your help though!
Mr Valentin Michel Draperi #:

Well it just makes me feel better that I am not the only one to not understand these 2 swap mode then. I'll post again here if I ever come across this kind of swap mode.

Thank you gain for your help though!

Yeah , i'll try to write up a "seek" script later on maybe one of the symbols has it .

i could not find any in my broker unfornutaley

It will output a text file , to read it go to File>>OpenDataFOlder>>MQL5>>Files , it is in there.

#property version   "1.00"
input string output="Swaps.txt";//output flie

int OnInit()

void OnTimer(){
  int syto=SymbolsTotal(false);
  int f=FileOpen(output,FILE_WRITE|FILE_TXT);
  FileWriteString(f,"Symbols with swap mode "+EnumToString(swapMode)+"\n");
  for(int i=0;i<syto;i++){
     string name=SymbolName(i,false);

void OnDeinit(const int reason)

void OnTick()

Lorentzos Roussos #:

Yeah , i'll try to write up a "seek" script later on maybe one of the symbols has it .

i could not find any in my broker unfornutaley

It will output a text file , to read it go to File>>OpenDataFOlder>>MQL5>>Files , it is in there.

Thank you! To be honest with you, I am currently working on a python project that goes through different brokers and through a list of symbols, and it notifies me what kind of swap it is, also this project is not done at all, if works pretty fine to notify me what kind of swap it is. I have been through a fair bit of different brokers but could not find these 2 swap modes still.

Mr Valentin Michel Draperi #:

Thank you! To be honest with you, I am currently working on a python project that goes through different brokers and through a list of symbols, and it notifies me what kind of swap it is, also this project is not done at all, if works pretty fine to notify me what kind of swap it is. I have been through a fair bit of different brokers but could not find these 2 swap modes still.

Ow that's better . 

Have you tried US based brokers ?

Lorentzos Roussos #:

Ow that's better . 

Have you tried US based brokers ?

Nop ! But I will do and keep updated if I find these 2 other swap modes.