Why CalendarEventByCurrency("EUR",events); return ERROR 5401 ? - page 2

Igor Zizek #:

I solve issue with this function call:

This function works great!

you mean to make the terminal initiate an update on the calendar, without blocking your thread??
Dominik Christian Egert #:
Think about following:

How could the content of the calendar be protected from being distributed if delivered by an API? - No legal contract will hold up, and even if, how would you want to enforce it? How would you want to track down which user is not complying to EULA or Use-Policy?

So what measures could be taken to protect the calendar from being copied and redistributed?

What's the point to provide an API which can not be used usefully ?

Do you know what is the delay ?

Alain Verleyen #:

What's the point to provide an API which can not be used usefully ?

Do you know what is the delay ?

at least 4 hours. In my test I was delayed until next day a few times. I posted in MQL Q&A about it and complained it be a bug ... Never got solved. It was in Q1 2023... Now is Q3...

I found a solution to my issue, but it is not complying to the rules. - I use a different web source and adapt the data to MqlCalendar structs.

Anyways, I encourage to use a different EC source, it mostly doesn't comply to their rules either, but it's almost impossible for them to ban you...

I am working on a library that reimplements the whole MQL-EC-API with it's own backend as a drop-in replacement. Mostly done already.

Source can be freely selected, or programmed. That's the idea. I am still working on the scraper to fill the database.

But this API supports Backtesting and Indicators as well...