I'm trying to convert a particular QQE indicator written in pine language (TradingView) to MQ5 for MT5 and facing issues - page 2

phade #:

To be honest it's not clear to me right now. I will have to look at it again another day. I overestimated how difficult it would be to translate this logic into an mq5 script.

As I am new to this, it will take time to fully understand. I feel that you've pointed me in the right direction and that's fulfilling enough for now at this time. 

I changed OnCalculate() now like so:

but now I see no lines.. nothing. I'm giving up for now.

I suggest you check the Experts-Journal of MT5 and you try the debugger to find out about your error.

You did very well for a first attempt. I encourage you to continue. Therefore I won't give more advice for now.

If you fundamentally fail, ask again here, I am sure members here will help you figure it out....

It's a little steep when coming from pine3, but it's rewarding and possibilities are very broad in MQL.
phade #:

To be honest it's not clear to me right now. I will have to look at it again another day. I overestimated how difficult it would be to translate this logic into an mq5 script.

As I am new to this, it will take time to fully understand. I feel that you've pointed me in the right direction and that's fulfilling enough for now at this time. 

I changed OnCalculate() now like so:

but now I see no lines.. nothing. I'm giving up for now.

this is most probably where you are having issues:

RsiMa[i] = iMAOnArray(Rsi, totalBars, SF, 0, MODE_EMA, i);
phade #:

To be honest it's not clear to me right now. I will have to look at it again another day. I overestimated how difficult it would be to translate this logic into an mq5 script.

As I am new to this, it will take time to fully understand. I feel that you've pointed me in the right direction and that's fulfilling enough for now at this time. 

I changed OnCalculate() now like so:

but now I see no lines.. nothing. I'm giving up for now.

Please let me encourage you to post your current code, so we can finish it and make it work.
Dominik Christian Egert #:
Please let me encourage you to post your current code, so we can finish it and make it work.
I have worked painful hours trying to make it work on single dimensional arrays, in the end I think it is better to work off the way this guy has done it:
He had licensed this code, so if one were to actually make a product with it, I guess he must be contacted. But I read over his script very carefully and saw that his way really is the best way to code this. We are talking a huge script if one tries to make it work the long way (needless work)
phade #:

OK, I see. - Then we can call this as resolved.

Yes. My code posted at the beginning is only going to give someone false hope if someone tries to apply it.
It isn't as simple as I initially assumed as 2 layers of data had to be processed in parallel per bar. Just so that the indicator lines don't vanish.

I did have it working, but the lines got erased when current data didn't hold in the buffers.
I'm an experienced programmer, I'm just new to the mql5 world.
His script is messy, but very good educational content for all.
The basic reason why I requested this thread to be removed is because I did not know the mql5 QQE had already been made.
Simply that. What is this thread now but confusing trivial garbage. 

Thanks for the help Dominik, and I hope you understand why I wanted to delete it.

To clarify, I didn't want to shun your initial assistance...I wanted to delete my thread, as let's face it, it is pointless trying to remake the wheel if the exact qqe script I wanted to create is publically available already (and this thread isn't going to help people). We're all mature adults here, so I hope you saw my point of view.
phade #:
The basic reason why I requested this thread to be removed is because I did not know the mql5 QQE had already been made.
Simply that. What is this thread now but confusing trivial garbage. 

Thanks for the help Dominik, and I hope you understand why I wanted to delete it.

To clarify, I didn't want to shun your initial assistance...I wanted to delete my thread, as let's face it, it is pointless trying to remake the wheel if the exact qqe script I wanted to create is publically available already (and this thread isn't going to help people). We're all mature adults here, so I hope you saw my point of view.
Yes, I do see this.

It is common for questions to be asked multiple times, and they still get answered, mostly with a direct answer. Sometimes the answer is pointing people to a specific thread to find the answer.

People approach their questions from different vectors, although the answer is the same, as the question in it's essence has been asked over and over.

Answering directly or leading someone through the learning process in a documented way can be a very valuable input for a third when reading.

This is the actual contribution, I committed to your thread.

So when asking to delete it, instead of going through, you also ask to dismiss my investment.

I hope you understand this, and can see why it is not in the spirit of what people try to achieve here on the forum.

After all, I am confident, you learned something from the input I gave. So why take it away from other readers?

That's why I also asked to finish your work on it.

But, maybe I should have pointed you to an existing code instead. I found it interesting to support your effort to convert a pine script to mql5. That's why I encouraged you to go through the process, and provided my support.

Anyways, there are not very much threads on conversion of pine to mql5, showing the process to go about. And sometimes there are nuances in difference between the existing implementations and others.

Whatever. It is over and it is unfinished so far.

If you would have invested the energy to finish this, instead of the discussion you shook loose, it would have had been much more beneficial to everyone involved. - Instead, everyone has now blown quite some time through the window into the void.
Dominik Christian Egert #:

Great response which I'm sure the OP will understand and appreciate. Thank you for helping to clarify things with such kindness and sincerity.

Unfortunately that's not usual here.

Dominik Christian Egert #:

If you would have invested the energy to finish this, instead of the discussion you shook loose, it would have had been much more beneficial to everyone involved. - Instead, everyone has now blown quite some time through the window into the void.

I had finished it. You remember I posted the code right? But I had modified it so much to be similar to the existing script why? - because it was the only efficient way to make this. I also said already that I had got the lines accurately representing the qqe doing it the first way with single dimensional arrays and multiple buffers...but the lines disappeared intermittently as was discussed.
Yes I see your point of view, and you're right. 
And I said I wasn't that pushed about the topic remaining here. But what I was annoyed by was the forum controls not letting me edit my own posted code. 
It's OK now I don't mind, I just found that initially strange and different to other forums. Peace