LocalTime not returning correct value after build 186 upgrade


Is anybody else have problems with LocalTime() returning a incorrect value after the build 186 upgrade? With build 184 it's working 100%

I tested it out in a simple script and it seems to be working fine for me

#property copyright ""
#property link      ""

int start(){
acordingly to the help :

" datetime LocalTime( )

Returns local computer time, number of seconds elapsed from 00:00 January 1, 1970. "


Print(" CurTime: " , TimeToStr( CurTime() ) , " LocalTime: " ,TimeToStr( LocalTime() ));

change your pc's time ( hours ) , localtime should change as well , in build 184 it did in build 186 it stay the same

if you change minutes or the date it works , it's just the Hour that's not changing

unless the localtime is GMT time ?
I tried your code above, and still don't have any problems.

I ran the code once and it showed the correct time for both values..then I changed my computer clock and re-ran and still showed the correct changed value for local time and the correct value for server time.

I don't know what to say. Its working fine for me.
Barrys, try to adjust daylight saving
i'm in gmt+2 time zone ( South Africa Pretoria) , localtime return 2 hours less than my PC time whitch is gmt time the and I've change the expert to work with that .

all sorted
