Login's loop's


i have problem i have run* MT4 newste version and more Broker Version

and 20-1000 Server Login's Loop and no Logout's

MT4 run on vServer!
but MT4 work 100% only 100...er Logins :( on my vServer

help me please
there is no special operation named "logout". ask your broker about problem. it seems to be connecting problems
i have this problem with all public MT Brokers

and only on vServer :(

not on my lokal PC :)
what the build and date of build? check also your connection. check your proxy settings and settings in the tools - options - server tab
build 184 28 oct.

proxy settings and settings in the tools = default NO Proxy

thanks for you help
I had that recently until I rebootet my PC (was up for 30 days or so).

yes GREAT i have 60 day run my vServer :)

now i have rebootet vServer and MT4 run GREAT