Adjusting the colors of the MT5/MetaEditor toolbox


I'm very happy that charts and the MetaEditor code windows can be changed in terms of color, but for monitoring/development I need to keep the MT5 toolbox open and expanded on a side monitor. I prefer working in a dark environment with low lighting on the desk, and for this I prefer black background color schemes for everything. I find the giant white experts log in the toolbox to be painfully unpleasant, even when adjusting the monitor to extremely dim settings, so dim in fact, that it's harder to read the black text on white background, than it would be if I had a black background with bright text at a brighter setting, and yet even then there's a giant white spot in my vision that makes me want to punch someone. Even if I turn the lights in the room on to a more normal level, I find white backgrounds to be unpleasant.

What solution have my fellow dark background types found for this?

Edit: I looked at some applications for Windows and they're all junk. They cannot properly invert certain screens or windows without screwing everything up.