How close tester results to reality?

How close strategy tester results to reality? Can I expect at least 90% of the results?

There is one old Chinese thread here (some quotes from the thread):

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies


Sergey Golubev, 2016.10.29 12:16


Some of their comments from the thread:

  • "To interpret this chart - take a look at the test history from the start time and end time, and look at this delightful amplitude and time line. "
  • "Since 1971? My sister was born at this time, now almost 50 years old. Since foreign exchange transactions don't allow you to make a quick buck, there's not much to talk about."
  • "I look at these graphs and I feel better and better. "
  • 2016.10.25
外汇交易,做到稳定赢利只有3个要点:长线、轻仓、大概率。领会这3个要点,所谓风险控制、心理因素,皆在其中。 以下是本人对数个外汇商品全部历史数据的回测(MT5): 解读这幅图,一看历史测试的起始时间和结束时间,二看净值回撤幅度和时间。 外汇市场就是一个送钱给自己的地方,在这里,不想赚钱都难...

About the reality (concerning MT4 and MT5, and so on):

Look (go to) at the links above - it is well-known information.
All (not yet) about Strategy Tester, Optimization and Cloud - Multi-currency strategy tester - How to test and optimize trading strategies on multiple currencies
All (not yet) about Strategy Tester, Optimization and Cloud - Multi-currency strategy tester - How to test and optimize trading strategies on multiple currencies
  • 2013.08.20
The general information about multi-currency strategy tester : "the strategy tester is a multi-currency tool, which allows you to test and optimize strategies trading multiple financial instruments. New testing trading strategies on real ticks  and the explanation is on this post
Sergei Toroshchin:
How close strategy tester results to reality? Can I expect at least 90% of the results?

It depends of the coder and the strategy and not that much about the tester.

If the coder is competent and honest, and if the strategy is testable (doesn't depend of latency, or external events), then yes the tester results can be close to reality.

If the coder is incompetent, are a cheater, then no the results are not reliable.

So there is no general answer, you need to check live if you have any doubt.

And of course, additionally, even if reliable, a backtest is always on past data, there is no guarantee for the future.