iCustom ... cannot load file

I have an indicator which is loading other indicators through iCustom(). The other indicators load fine (attach to the chart, show loaded on the Journal tab of the Terminal are) but the indicator loading the others gives an error (Experts tab on Terminal area):

double woodie1= iCustom(NULL, 0, "HB-WoodieTrend", woodieparm,0, 0, lookupidx);
(where lookupidx equals 1).

Cannot open file"C:\StrategyBuildMT4\experts\indicators\HB-WoodieTrend.ex4"
(happens with other indicators as well).

The file is there and does load manually (attaching to chart).

Any ideas? Or is there a way how to find out what exactly it does not like about the file? It does work on another machine.

This is MT4 Version: 4.00 Build 183 (07 Oct 2005)

Please disregard. Operator error.
