Metaeditor 5 save settings


Under options->colors Metaeditor 5 has a number of pre-defined schemes (Light, Dark etc & Custom) - I'm trying to find an option to save customised settings so I can use on another Terminal. 

Is it possible?



The setting of a chart can be saved by a right mouse click over it as Template (default is the one for everything).

The setting of a chart can be saved via the terminal menu: File => Profile ...

Press F! in the terminal and enter profile in the search line, click on "Templates and Profiles"  ...

Templates and Profiles


Under options->colors Metaeditor 5 has a number of pre-defined schemes (Light, Dark etc & Custom) - I'm trying to find an option to save customised settings so I can use on another Terminal. 

Is it possible?


You can't from the GUI.

The only way is to copy metaeditor.ini (config folder).

Alain Verleyen #:

You can't from the GUI.

The only way is to copy metaeditor.ini (config folder).

Thanks, I'll give that a try.

Alain Verleyen #:

You can't from the GUI.

The only way is to copy metaeditor.ini (config folder).

That worked well - I was able to cut and paste the relevant section between ini file.