HDD Free Space

I have a problem with free space on my hard drive. I freed 1 GB one day ago and now I again have no free space. It seems that when I am doing strategy testing Metatrader consumes this space. The prolem is that I cannot get back this space even after I close Metatrader. This is on ma first computer where I have no space already and the situation is critical.
On my second computer I had 15 GB of free space and during one day of strategy testing it was reduced to 8 GB and I am also not able to get back this free space

Can somebody help me to fix this problem?

Go to My Computer, Drive C, Program Files, Metatrader

There you will find a folder named Logs and also another Logs folder inside the Experts folders. You can delete all files of type "LOG" there (the logs could run up a LOT of space).

Tester - Journal tab - context menu - Clear All Journals
Tester - Journal tab - context menu - Clear All Journals

:))) Thanx, it works perfectly. I would not say tha Journal could consume so much space.