Selling an algorithm to a Hedge fund - page 2

SpoonsInL #: I've removed the back test results as you have requested. It's incredible to me that you think I'm "dreaming" when you have no knowledge of my track history or my connections, but I'm not going to debate you or anyone else on the forum. In the future I will just keep my thoughts to myself; it's clearly too hard to have a respectful conversation in the MT5 forums. What a shame.

Actually, I have some sense of your “track-history” based on your queries here on the forum. As for your connections — I am sure that if you had some with a financial company, then you would have already had been informed of their requirements and you would not need to ask about it.

I don’t want to discourage you, but I do want to encourage you to grow based on the reality instead of a “dream”. Most seasoned traders have gone through various phases, including the one you are in now. It is part of the learning process and how traders can grow to reach their goals.

I am no guru and I have made a fool of myself plenty of times while I learned my way around trading, and I am sure I will still make plenty more mistakes in the future.

So, all I am saying is, keep yourself grounded. Take one step at a time. You can gaze at the horizon, but keep your focus on the ground before you.

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Take a few lessons from Prop Firms (Part 1) — An introduction

Fernando Carreiro, 2023.04.19 16:20

In this introductory article, I address a few of the lessons one can take from the challenge rules that proprietary trading firms implement. This is especially relevant for beginners and those who struggle to find their footing in this world of trading. The subsequent article will address the code implementation.