What is this? (Interbank FX discourages use of MT4)

PLEASE NOTE – Though you may have your account set up on the new version MT 4.0, there are parts of the software that do not function and this may affect your trading. We are working to fix these issues within the next 30-60 days and recommend you DO NOT trade your live account on this version until we have completed it. Please continue to try it using a demo account for now.
If you are certain you would like to trade a live account on this version please aware that if you decide to change back to the current version 3.83 in the future, that it may take up to ONE WEEK to move your account back to version 3.83 and you will be out of the market for that time and will not be able to trade.

Does that only affect InterbankFX or all brokers?

This should effect all brokers..

I converted my live account over, and the only bug I've noticed is the Alerts do not work..

Have they told you what "issues" there are?????

Dunno, it's from their website. Buf FXDD told me today that they're still implementing MT4 and probably it's got something to do with the connection problems Slawa mentioned when announcing the build 183-pre build.

Does anyone from Metaquotes have any comment of these statements from IBFX? Is MQ helping these guys fix their platform ?

Live Chat guy at IBFX pasted the following list of issues currently facing them with the MT4 platform and I quote:-
you: can u please tell me what exactly isn't working ?
Client Support: MT 4 Issues
Client Support: · Alerts work on mini accounts if you use the pairs that do not have a space between them and the m (use GBPUSDm for example).
Client Support: · There is a lack of historical data.
Client Support: · The trade window locks up only on mini accounts and seems to be related to both FXCM and 4X made easy software.
Client Support: · Another issue that I hope is fixed now is the “live update” feature not working. I have had a few customers with this issue. You can fix it by helping them go into their Interbankfx folder and double left clicking on the “liveupdate.exe”. That seems to work.
Client Support: · The Change Password function does not work
Client Support: · No data in chart after download. Solution: Customer must do new chart
Client Support: · Refresh on charts doesn’t work
Client Support: · Exotics in terminal window not updating
Client Support: · You can not overlap/replace charts buy dragging.
Client Support: · In a few cases you can not modify your ticket to include a stop loss.
Client Support: · The back tester does not work
Client Support: · Tick window may get "waiting for update"
Client Support: · Swap is not right in MT4 for mini accounts.
Client Support: · It doesn't work well with Trade Station, 4xme and esignal
Client Support: · Cannot change periodicity
Client Support: · Market Watch does not keep pairs in the order they were set up
you: hahaha u cut and paste that, didnt you ? :)
you: thanks for that - i presume there isnt any more ? :)

That's a damn big list for a live trading platform. Thank goodness I resisted funding any MT4 accounts despite the platform being officially launched now for 2 months. Maybe someone somewhere was a little premature with their launch dates ? :)

That is just awful. Why do I stick with MT?
> That is just awful. Why do I stick with MT?

Yeah, I agree. I've been fooling with this software for months now and it's still buggy.

I won't set up a live forex account until they get their problems fixed.

It seems the problems have been getting worse because I keep getting too many errors from the MT4 demo server. Plus, the demo server goes down from time-to-time.

- Vooch
Personally (as a software developer) I have no problem with the MetaQuotes server being down from time to time. These guys need to work on their server, update it, etc. and they need something for testing ... and heck, it's free.

However, hearing about live trading problems is something else entirely ... I opened an FXDD account today and will stick with their proprietary software until I hear the MT4 works flawlessly (and once it does that I won't update it).
