Debugging MQL5 code


Hey guys 

I am debugging my MQL5 source code . What does the file , function and line block indicate ? 

Joao David Ngululia Buta:
file , function and line block indicate

 file = the source code file name

function = the function or method you are in

line  = line number in the source code file

Also observe it shows the call stack i.e. OnTick > calls the SELL_STOP function, this can be many levels deep depending on how many functions are called

R4tna C #:

 file = the source code file name

function = the function or method you are in

line  = line number in the source code file

Also observe it shows the call stack i.e. OnTick > calls the SELL_STOP function, this can be many levels deep depending on how many functions are called

thanks . What does the 1/2 behind the variable names mean ? 

Joao David Ngululia Buta #: thanks . What does the 1/2 behind the variable names mean ? 

It means that the number is a floating point number (double/float) and not a whole number (int, long, etc.).

Also read the following ... Code debugging - Developing programs - MetaEditor Help

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Code debugging - Developing programs - MetaEditor Help
MetaEditor has a built-in debugger allowing you to check a program execution step by step (by individual functions). Place breakpoints in the code...