Close orders by script


I'm trying to make a code to execute a script like this:

// Check the account equity and disable trading if needed

void CheckEquity()
    double equity = CalculateEquity();
    if (equity - initialEquity >= takeProfit || equity - initialEquity <= stopLoss)
        tradingEnabled = false;
        Print("Trading has been disabled. \nAccount equity: ", equity);
        Comment("Trading has been disabled. \nAccount equity: ", equity);
        Comment("Trading is enabled. \nAccount equity: ", equity);

// Run CloseAll script
void ExecuteCloseAllScript()
    string scriptName = "CloseAll.mq5";
    string scriptPath = TerminalInfoString(TERMINAL_DATA_PATH) + "\\" + scriptName;

    int executeResult = FileRun(scriptPath);
    if (executeResult == 1)
        Print("CloseAll script executed successfully.");
        Print("Failed to execute CloseAll script. Error code: ", executeResult);

But I keep receiving the errros:

'FileRun' - undeclared identifier line 49

'scriptPath' - some operator expected line 49

Any help?

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