mt5 setfiles wont load onto ea


hi i am having issues with setfiles not loading onto any of my ea,s. I have tried copying them into profiles/tester. when i do they disappear. I noticed that when i switch to all files in 'save as type' the sefiles apear. when i open them it acts as if it has loaded the set file but no changes are made. I created a presets folder dropped them in that too still ng. the set files are .set, this is not just one set file this is all my setfiles i have for different ea's

The easiest way is (imho) if you create a folder e.g. MySetUp  in \Common\Files\ => \Common\Files\ MySetUp and place you set files there to open them with the Common flag
Thanks carl, i actually tried that and still ng. I did figure how to get it to work very strange though. I was trying to open my sets using the cogwheel on the settings tab for backtesting and they wouldnt load at all that way even trying what you suggested. But they will open if i go on the inputs tab and right click then load from there very strange.